The most brain-scarring conflict that I've ever encountered thus far was the time when I was involved in a squabble with my church friend, Fabian. We grew up together within the same social circle - playing soccer, hanging out and were involved in church youth activities too. In a particular year, we were both serving in our church funfair organizing committee where I was the chair person.
On one occasion, I was on the phone with another friend. Somehow or another, our conversation topic led to Fabian. Certain things were best left confidential although I recalled that my sharing was neither malicious nor conceited and it was not intended to derogate Fabian. However, the confidentiality of my sharing was breached and comments misunderstood. Initially, I was apologetic but it soon morphed into anger. There were many occasions in which I tried to explain myself but Fabian just wouldn't listen. Whenever we bumped into each other, we'll either pass snide remarks or scoffed at each other. Over a short time, our friendship deteriorated to a point where friends within our social circle were implicated too. As a result, there was a great divide among our friends and the majority took sides with Fabian.
This conflict occurred at a crucial time when it was a couple of weeks before the funfair and there were still a number of issues to be addressed. In addition, this didn't help when there was a schism within the organizing committee which comprised of the people involved in the conflict.
If you were me, what would you do to ensure that all the administrative and logistical matters are settled so that the funfair would run smoothly?